Being digital is a prerequisite for survival
Christmas is approaching and the different year 2020 will soon be over. Despite working from home and the coronavirus, it has been a good year for Dekode.
Our CEO, Magne Ilsaas, tells us a little about the past year and what's to come.

A year with a difference
- 2020 didn't exactly turn out as expected for most of us. Can you tell us something about how Dekode has fared this year?
- As this year draws to a close, we can look back on the best year we've had at Dekode. Ever. We can report both growth and new hires in the company, despite the coronavirus. This is the result of long-term choices we have made, including working for and with organizations that have had a clear focus on digital channels. Even in a year like 2020.
We have had plenty to do for great existing ones clients such as the City Mission, the Cancer Society and the Rescue Company. And not least, we are proud to have received new ones clients such as Høyre, which has already been launched, and Redd Barna, which will launch in the new year. In addition, we have entered into a partnership with b.bold and worked even more with fundraising, campaigns and organizations - something we are very excited to tackle even more in the coming year.
- At Dekode , we were already well accustomed to working remotely, since we have employees in several cities and countries. Now we have 46 employees working from home, and we represent 7 different nationalities. Despite the distance between us, we still work well and closely together.

A new digital understanding
- How do you think the Corona pandemic has changed the way businesses and individuals relate to digital surfaces?
- We see among ours clients that more and more people understand the importance of being able to work digitally. They have a new digital understanding. There is more weight behind the initiatives when they come to us and they take the digital venture more seriously than before, says Magne. He adds that we have been lucky to have few clients who are exposed in relation to Corona.
- It is of course good because we care about ours clients and want it to go well for them, at the same time if it means we can continue with many assignments and exciting projects. Hopefully this can also pick up even more after the corona.
Magne believes that the corona pandemic has led to a great opportunity, where those who had positioned themselves well before the pandemic can do really well.
- In addition, there is a lot of room for hiring, because many talented people are laid off. For us, who are looking for both the best WordPress developers and content producers, it provides a golden opportunity to find the right and the best people.

Online shopping creates opportunities for small stores
- Are there any particular changes we've seen in the wake of the Corona pandemic?
- "I think it's getting easier to separate the wheat from the chaff on many digital fronts," says Magne, using a personal example: "I live in Nesodden and used to take the boat into town for work or shopping. Now I'm hardly ever in town anymore. Recently I bought some clothes online. The very next day I received a pick-up message from the post office and was able to put on my new trousers.
- It says something about how important a good digital transaction has become and that it can certainly compete with physical trade. Providing a good customer experience online will make you loyal clients , regardless of where they live and where there are outlets. This means that smaller brands and shops can increase turnover and really shine online.
Being digital is a prerequisite for survival
Magne believes that online shopping gives consumers more power in their choices. He points out that cities are often ruled by real estate, and that it's the big chains that take over premises that small businesses can't afford. But online, small brands can shine and be even stronger.
- It's no surprise that e-commerce has increased in 2020. This also suits us perfectly, as WooCommerce has become a mature and scalable platform. It's a natural platform for us to deliver on, something we've already been doing for quite some time. This is definitely something we'll be focusing on more in the future.
- When everyone is digital, it's not enough to "just be" digital to stand out. Halfway isn't good enough anymore and being digital is a prerequisite for survival. The customer journey becomes the alpha omega for success. Many companies need to understand that they need to put resources into the customer journey. This is something we at Dekode are happy to help companies and organizations with through consulting, design and development,

2021 is full of possibilities!
- Now we're taking our Dekode Christmas break, is there anything you'd like to say at the very end?
- Yes, I'd like to add how proud I am of everyone who has worked on Dekode from their respective home offices. It's a paradoxical situation to be in, when you hear about how tough it is in many industries, and how many people have been laid off, while we've almost had too much to do. Although it's a luxury problem, it's also been a challenge to maintain focus and motivation throughout 2020. And to adapt to a new way of working. But we've managed this with flying colors, and delivered some of the largest and most complex projects we've ever worked on," says Magne, before adding:
- Now the whole gang will have a well-deserved Christmas break, and it's fantastic to already know what we'll be doing for the next 3 months as we embark on 2021. Hopefully, we will slowly but surely return to a new normal. And as far as Dekode is concerned, 2021 is a year full of possibilities!