Dekode Wrapped 2024

2024 has been a Dekode year full of fun challenges and great collaborations. But what have YOU been most excited about? We take a look at our most popular content from the year that is almost over. 

👩‍🔬 Coolest technology 

In September, we launched Fundy together with Kirkens bymisjon. Modern fundraisers need a modern form, with a sharp user experience and a lightning-fast backend. So we sat down and built one ourselves. You can see the result here. 

🤓 Most read 

We start with which SoMe posts got the most clicks in 2024. At Meta, the news that we moved to Nova House in August won a narrow victory. Right behind it follows a video from Dekode Days, and a breakfast seminar in connection with Meta turning off its fundraising function earlier this year. 

👽 Most conspiracy theories 

The internet is full of conspiracy theorists, so here's a look at the post that managed to mobilize the most of them. Not surprisingly, it's the one that mentions NASA. 

🧑‍💻👩‍💻👨🏻‍💻 Most comments and shares 

The post with the most comments was actually an update that we updated our profile picture… We bet it was because they liked our new graphic profile. 

The post had the most shares about Dekode days, but we admit that we may have had a hand in the game there.  

Next in line for shares is an article about why we prefer to work with open source code. 

🤩 Editor's Pick 

Here's an article that we think should get even more attention . First and foremost, because we want to see more brilliant customer journeys at NGOs, which can help raise money for good causes. 

📲 Most used plugins 

Now, moving on to something a little more technical. These are the most used plugins on the websites we produced this year: 

 Gravity Forms 

A plugin for building forms. For an NGO-centric company, this is a clear winner. 

Advanced Custom Fields Pro 

Allows developers and content producers to create custom fields and user-defined data in WordPress websites. 


Used to create dynamic filtering systems (facets) for posts, products, and other content. 

That was the whole round, we look forward to creating even more and better content in 2025!