Are you our new front-end developer?

Dekode is now looking for structured and self-driven front-end developers to join our teams. We have exchanged a few words with the onboarding manager for new developers at Dekode, Peder Andreas Nielsen, about who we are looking for.

Illustration of hands on keyboard reminiscent of hands on piano keys
Illustration: Ingrid Rognstad

Peder works as a developer at Dekode and is the tech lead in their development team. He works extensively with integrations to CRM and third-party payment and donation solutions for organizations.

Why does Dekode need front-end developers?

- First and foremost, because we're experiencing an increase in the number of assignments, but we're also seeing WordPress move more and more in a direction that requires front-end expertise, in the form of React and Gutenberg. It's a big shift from the past. That's why we're now looking for front-end developers," Peder says and elaborates:

- Previously, php skills were the most important thing. Now we find that front-end skills have taken over that throne. 

Peder is one of the people who reads your application and eventually meets you in a potential interview. During the interview process, Peder will also review your code test - a test that current candidates are sent prior to the second round interview. 

Portrait photograph of developer Peder Andreas Nielsen
Tech lead and developer Peder is one of the people you'll get to know better during a job interview at Dekode.

What does it take to convince that you are the right candidate?

- A good code sample is well-structured, must demonstrate scalability and that the solution is sustainable over time. We want modular code - that you can easily replace individual elements without major consequences for the rest of the solution. It must also not be overly complicated, and must follow WordPress best practice. In short, you need to show that you're familiar with the WordPress platform and the possibilities it offers. The code must also be able to withstand a downpour, according to Peder:

- Your code needs to hold up well in unforeseen events. When the storm comes, your code needs to be the umbrella that keeps you dry.

Why should front-end developers submit an application?

- Because you get into the best WordPress environment in Norway. There are good people working here with very good knowledge of WordPress. You get the opportunity to work in a very helpful environment with like-minded people. 

A helpful environment has several advantages, according to Peder:

- We're good at reaching out and sparring with each other. This can be something developers who work alone a lot miss. This is also a great advantage for your own learning curve - by talking to colleagues, you often find out about challenges yourself," says Peder, and adds:

- There are so many of us at Dekode that problems and challenges rarely arise that some of us haven't encountered before and don't have a solution to. You don't need to know everything, but the environment and conditions for development are very good, precisely because there are so many of us.

Here you can read what our own developers think about Dekode as a workplace.

Good onboarding is essential 

Peder is also responsible for onboarding. This means that Peder facilitates for new developers who start in Dekode. 

A good and effective onboarding process is essential for new employees, and Peder emphasizes the importance of this, especially when experiencing major growth - as Dekode is doing right now:

- Training, information and support functions are essential for new employees, and I facilitate a structured and documented onboarding. When I started at Dekode we were 25 employees, now we are 50. We've grown considerably in recent years, and that requires good routines from the start. Then we'll be united," Peder concludes. 

Do you want to be our new front-end developer? Then you can apply for the position here