All of Norway is swimming: - Undoubtedly an important campaign

Worst in the Nordic region: A survey by the Norwegian Lifesaving Society and the Norwegian Swimming Federation shows that only half of the country's 10-year-olds can swim 200 meters or more. In connection with the campaign Hele Norge svømmer, Dekode was given the job of creating a solution for the project's website and national registration form for the Flytefest event .

With the aim of making the whole country safe in the water and learning how to float, the Norwegian Lifesaving Society, in collaboration with the Norwegian Swimming Federation and NRK, has launched the campaign Hele Norge svømmer

Logo for Hele Norge svømmer

- No one should drown

The campaign is twofold, according to Tanja Krangnes, head of drowning prevention at the Norwegian Lifesaving Society.

- All Norway Swims has two goals: Ten-year-olds should learn to swim, and no one should drown. The initiative focuses on children's swimming skills. Only 41 percent of Norwegian 10-year-olds can swim more than 200 meters. In Sweden, the corresponding figure is 92 percent. "Norway is the worst in the Nordic region," says Krangnes. 

The most important thing was to get a functioning website up and running as quickly as possible

Tanja Krangnes, head of drowning prevention at the Norwegian Lifesaving Society

- "I think many of us were surprised by the figures the survey revealed," says Ruben Søderlind, Operations Manager at Dekode. He says that this is undoubtedly an important campaign and that Dekode is both proud and humbled to be the facilitator of the technical solution.

Record speed

However, there was a need to publish a functioning website quickly. As Dekode stands for the Rescue Society's existing web solution, a solution was quickly put together. And with good volunteer spirit, the matter was resolved relatively immediately.

- The website had to be set up at record speed, which meant that the project team had to make some pragmatic choices along the way. "By continuing functionality from, we quickly got out of the starting pit, and with persistent efforts and good cooperation across the board, the platform was created and we reached the goal," says Søderlind.

Tanja Krangnes of the Norwegian Society for Search and Rescue praises the collaboration at Hele Norge svømmer.

- Both we and the project were very well received. We've worked together to get the website up and running - that was the most important thing. And we made improvements along the way," concludes Krangnes. 

National float party

On Saturday, June 5, the Norwegian Lifesaving Society arranged Flytefest - a live record attempt where the goal was to get as many people as possible to float in water - at the same time. The website helenorgesvø played an important role in the event. 

- The website is the hub for the float party, and aims to create engagement for the event. We've also used the site to promote Flytedansen, so that people can join in the dancing," says Krangnes. 

The floating dance shows how to keep your head both cool and above water if you panic in the water.

According to Krangnes, the target group for the campaign and website has been relatively broad. 

- The target group is ten-year-olds and their families - including younger and older siblings. We've also sent a link to the website and other information about the campaign to kindergartens, municipalities and schools," says Krangnes. And even though Flytefest took place last weekend, she emphasizes that the website hasn't been shut down just yet. 

Helenorgesvø current throughout the summer

- The topic will be followed up by NRK Sommeråpent throughout the summer, and we want to follow the theme into Arendal Week and the election campaign. The focus there will be more on the swimming skills of the entire population. We have also launched a lifeguard course in the form of an online game, which aims to give people swimming and lifeguard training in the run-up to the summer, when people are by the sea," says Krangnes.

Ruben Søderlind of Dekode has a clear message for parents and guardians this summer:

- We encourage everyone with children in the house to use the summer to become safe both in and on the water!