What is it like to work as a developer at Dekode?
It's been just over a year since Rasmus Rimestad started working as a developer at Dekode. Together with other developers and project managers, he works in the administration team - where it's a short step from wanting to change routines to actually implementing them. We had a chat with Rasmus to find out how he feels about working for Dekode.

From firefighting to planning
- "In my previous job, I was used to a lot of firefighting," says Rasmus, "but at Dekode we have the time, finances and overview to see things in a broader perspective. That way, we can create good routines and avoid running after pages that crash.
During the autumn, Dekode will also implement more interdisciplinary teams to build strong and effective collaborations. "It was a very pleasant environment to come into. There are pleasant and skilled people working here, and many challenging tasks.

Two-way communication
Dekode, which started up in 2010, has taken the step from being a start-up to becoming a large and serious company, which is now the largest WordPress company in Scandinavia. "I think it's really fun to be part of this development," says Rasmus, "and to help shape the company going forward.
Dekode Days is an example of how employees can have a say. Two to three times a year, all employees gather for two days of lectures, workshops and social activities. Both employees and management give lectures, provide input and inspire each other.
- We try to build an open culture with two-way communication through Dekode Days," says CEO Hillevi Røstad.
- We also conduct regular employee surveys and conversations and are responsive to input. It is the sum of our people that is Dekode and Dekode's value. We are a knowledge company that depends on listening to our employees.

Not just WordPress
Dekode has the status of one of eleven WordPress VIP service partners in the world, and works with large WordPress projects for a number of Norwegian and international clients , such as Cappelen Damm, the Church's city mission, the Cancer Society, the Rescue Company, and many more. So is it perhaps somewhat surprising that Rasmus says he is not a "super-fan" of only working with WordPress?
- "As a developer, I'm not a fan of only working with WordPress, but in WP you can also implement other tools. The management here knows my strengths and weaknesses as a developer, and together we find out what works best, both for me and what is the best solution for the website and the customer.

Tailor-made solutions
Dekode employs more than 35 creative technologists, including product owners, project managers, designers and developers. Some work remotely from other cities and countries, but the vast majority are based in the large, beautiful premises in Tollbugata in Oslo. At the back of the premises, where Rasmus is based, there is a large screen that he proudly shows off.
-Here I have created a program that gives an overview of how much free space there is on our disks clients , which inquiries we have received, errors we must correct and who has been delegated responsibility for following up on it. Collecting this, and seeing it on a large screen, simply makes it easier to get an overview and to do something about it, he says.
Flexible workplace
Rasmus is one of those people who arrives at work at eight o'clock and goes home at four o'clock. And with three children and a hectic family life, it's perhaps not surprising - "I manage to switch off completely when I'm at home and concentrate fully when I'm at work," he says. Others prefer a more flexible working day, something that Dekode facilitates.
As an employee of Dekode , there is also room for skills development. "We encourage our employees to learn more," says Hillevi. "We want them to find something they are passionate about and want to immerse themselves in. We send all our front-end developers to the Nordic. JS conference and the whole of Dekode travels to WordCamp every year. We want our employees to be able to grow here.

Are you our new colleague?
Dekode is now looking for several new developers - and maybe you're just the person we're looking for?
We're looking for a back-end developer with the ability to think holistically, be self-driven and at the same time cooperative. Someone who can drive projects towards goals. Here you will be part of a committed, pleasant and interdisciplinary team that thrives on challenges and coming up with solutions together.
- I'm hoping for a new colleague with broad expertise who isn't afraid to work with old code or create new code," says Rasmus and adds that Dekode offers a pleasant working environment, nice premises close to the city center and a very good lunch!
Would you like to work at Dekode?
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Read the interview with "Are you the one we are looking for?"