When Facebook goes boom, you need websites that collect money!

Organizations have long used Facebook to raise money - with great success. But almost without warning, Meta has decided to end this service. And from July 1!

This will be a significant challenge for all the organizations that have had large revenues from Meta's universe. The key now is to have good websites!

Buttons and glossies

The only thing that remains on Facebook is an offer to create a donation button on the organization's profile/page. The button will not collect money by itself, but will be linked to a landing page or website of the individual organization. As if that solves the problem.

Linking to a page doesn't do much good if it's not set up for donor trips and donations. And even if the landing page is good, this doesn't solve the real challenge - namely the disappearance of the income-generating volunteer work.

Dugnaden disappears

The real problem is that the spontaneous fundraising campaigns are disappearing. Like the one in the top image in the case here. All the birthday campaigns created by birthday children who want donations to organizations instead of gifts? Gone. Millions of kroner disappear, almost overnight.

This is where the real money has been, and this is revenue many organizations will now miss out on. After all, a button that takes you to a page to donate a single amount doesn't help much when you really want to start a whole fundraising campaign.

Splice to the rescue?

So what's the alternative for the birthday children who want to start fundraising campaigns? Or anyone else who wants to help improve the conditions for their favorite cause? For some, Spleis can work. But it's far from optimal.

One of the challenges is that Spleis owns the donor data, in the same way that Meta does. While you can access some data from Spleis, you can only access it from donors who actively want to share it with you. In other words, Spleis can be a source of revenue, but if you want access to data about your donors, you need to collect it yourself.

The website is becoming more important!

So if Spleis isn't the answer either, where should you send your users? The answer is simple - to your website. It's time to create engaging content that your supporters can easily share across their channels. And don't forget that the engaging content must also be linked to opportunities to make donations. 

Donor forms must be crisp and the donor journey must be seamless.

Once you've got all this in place, you should look into opportunities for your supporters to create their own actions. And if you can't do it yourself, at least make sure you use a tool that not only gives you money - but also data.

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