Increase the joy of giving with Vipps

In recent years, Vipps has emerged as a preferred payment solution for many. But how does Vipps actually work for organizations - where it's not a traditional purchase, but single donations and recurring payments? 

Vipps is growing fast 

In March 2021,the Norwegian E-Commerce Report 2020 was published. The report shows that card payments are the most popular online payment method. The report also shows that, for the first time, Vipps payment is more popular than invoice and partial payment. 52% of the survey respondents have used Vipps in the last 28 days (card payment was 85% in the last 28 days). 

Customers want it to be quick, easy and safe. Vipps has gained such a solid foothold in Norway that for many people it is a sign of trust when they see the logo as a payment option.

Marius Granholt, advisor at Dekode

- Then the customer or donor knows that they don't have to enter their BankID, get out their bank card or give their name and address again. What they have entered into Vipps is what automatically ends up with the organization you give to, or the store you shop from. 

Seamless for both e-commerce and donation forms 

At Dekode , we have seen significant demand for Vipps over the past year, both for traditional e-commerce and for donations. 

- "We create webshop solutions on WooCommerce, and Vipps' payment solution is a seamless and simple integration. This means a lot for both shoppers and those who run an online store. There is a higher conversion rate, simply because the user journey consists of fewer steps," says Marius. 

But also for organizations, Vipps has become more sought after, as they now offer recurring payments. 

- We deliver Vipps directly as a plugin to the online store, but in a fundraising context we go through a CRM provider. Such as Profundo, WinOrg, Salesforce, Orgsys or Cornerstone. Then we help ours clients with implementing the Vipps API from their CRM provider to the websites. In this way, they not only get the payment solution in place, but can also obtain important data straight to their CRM. 

Recurring payments with Vipps

- For most organizations, it's the regular donors who are the most important," Marius points out.

- Those who don't just give a lump sum, but create a "subscription" for a fixed monthly payment. So far, direct debit has been the gold standard for loyalty in fundraising, but now we're seeing Vipps emerge as a reliable and important player. 

Øyvind Akselsen, product manager at Profundo , also agrees: - We experience very strong demand for Vipps at our clients . All new clients for the past year have wanted Vipp's fixed payments, and over 40 of our customers are now using this.

It is perceived as easy, everyone has Vipps. There is a higher threshold to pay with or enter into fixed agreements with BankID and Avtalegiro. With Vipps, you get the first payment deduction there and then. With direct debit, it can take one to two months from the time the agreement is set up until the first payment is made.

Øyvind Akselsen, Product Manager at Profundo

Info as important as money

For an organization, getting contact information into the CRM is almost as important as the money. The name and address is what allows you to follow up the person who has made a donation further in a fundraising process. That's why forms have been such an important part of digital fundraising, to get donors to leave their name, address and phone number. 

- "Now it's just three simple clicks for the user," says Øyvind. "They select a fixed payment in the form on the website. Then they are sent straight to Vipps, where the payment is confirmed with the contact information already entered. They are then sent back to a thank you page at the organization that confirms the order. 

The information about the donor is then sent directly from Vipps to the CRM, such as Profundo, so that the organization can contact the donor with both a thank you and further follow-up. 

The new generation of donors

"For the new generation of donors, subscription solutions that they can easily switch on and off are an important factor," Marius believes.

- Young people are used to being able to switch an app subscription on and off on their phone. This is far simpler than direct debit, and something they feel more in control of. Preliminary analyzes from ProFundos clients shows that many people over 60 also use Vipps for regular payments. He therefore does not believe that we will lose the core donor of 60+ by using Vipps, even though many older people still prefer direct debit.

Øyvind and Marius agree that it's just as important to have good traffic to a payment solution as the payment solution itself.

- "The website is the key to whether you want to leave money with a store or organization at all. At Dekode , we're happy to help you create good websites that convert," concludes Marius. 

Do you have questions about Vipps integration on your website?

Feel free to contact Marius Granholt or send an email to hei@ dekode if you want to stay client in Dekode . Are you everything client in Dekode and want to upgrade your solution for using Vipps? Contact your advisor.

We look forward to hearing from you!