WordPress for enterprise – A guide for prospective buyers
When looking to optimize your company’s digital presence, there is one major decision that can have a huge impact: selecting the right solutions. Especially for the enterprise segment. It can be quite challenging to find the right fit four your business’s needs and goals.
Therefore, Big Bite has facilitated a guide to help you through the prosess. The publication is called «WordPress for Enterprise, a guide for prospective byers». Seven of the best WP agencies has been interviewed, including us at Dekode. It’s exciting to see how WordPress agencies collaborate on shared marketing efforts. And for us to be included amongst such a great group of agencies.
The publication is of course open source. So feel free to take a closer look – and learn why large-scale companies are choosing WordPress.
Do you have a question, comment or thoughts – we would like to hear them. Please reach out to [email protected]!